Minneapolis, April 8, 2014: Larson/Sobotka PLLC, the Minneapolis-based law firm that serves multiple listing service, REALTOR® association, and brokerage clients around the U.S., announced today that its name has changed to “Larson Skinner PLLC.” Since 2012, Mitchell A. Skinner has been a member of the firm (“member” is an equity position roughly equivalent to that of a “partner” if the firm were organized as a partnership).
Former named member of the firm, Elizabeth Sobotka, transitioned to special counsel status as of January 1. She expressed a desire to focus more of her energies on her family, while remaining active on behalf of those of the firm’s clients with whom she has developed strong relationships. Meanwhile, notes firm founder and managing member Brian Larson, “Mitch has taken an increasing role in leading our firm and advising our clients.” He leads the firm’s counseling of the Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) and works with Larson to advise the Council of Multiple Listing Services, along with dozens of other industry clients.
“The name change reflects the changed roles of Elizabeth and Mitch in the firm,” said Larson. “The only change our clients will experience in terms of communicating with or working with our firm is the name change and the change of our email and web addresses.” As part of the branding change, the firm launched new Facebook and LinkedIn profiles, as well as a new Twitter handle. The firm’s blog MLSTesseract: Real Estate Technology Law and Policy is now housed under the firm’s website, but links to the old locations at MLSTesseract.com should remain active indefinitely.
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Congrats to Mitch. I knew the bearded look would get Brian’s attention! Well deserved. T.