Beginning in the next few days, my business partner Elizabeth Sobotka will be writing posts for MLSTesseract, too. Elizabeth is a co-founder of Larson/Sobotka, PLLC, attorneys at law, and our consulting subsidiary, Larson/Sobotka Business Advisors, LLC. She focuses her legal work on issues relevant to MLSs and brokers: copyrights and licensing listing data content; pursuing data pirates; technology service agreements; trademarks and cybersquatting; and MLS rule drafting and enforcement, among other topics. She’s a fine attorney and over the last two and a half years has encountered and overcome all the most common MLS legal issues out there.
But perhaps just as valuable is her excellent business sense. Elizabeth has a master’s degree in management and spent more than a decade as a management consultant before going to law school. She worked with consulting firms such as Deloitte on projects ranging from operations efficiency to product marketing. She brings a common-sense, business-oriented perspective to her law clients. She won’t advise you to spend your money on legal projects unless she thinks it will deliver real value to your business.
Having Elizabeth join me on MLSTesseract reflects the way we are focusing our business in 2010:
• I’m shifting more of my energies to consulting projects, strategic planning for our MLS and association clients, and other types of development work with our consulting firm. I’ll still be involved in many legal projects.
• Elizabeth is focusing her efforts on delivering legal counsel, but she’ll still be involved in every major consulting project. We hope the combination of our focus and mix of skills will prove very valuable for clients.
Clients should feel free to contact either of us about either type of project. We’ll always be there to help!
Say hello to Elizabeth here or in comments on her posts!
Welcome Elizabeth! Can't wait to read what you have to share.