Attendees at the NAR Leadership Summit in Chicago learned about a competition NAR is sponsoring for state and local REALTOR® associations to come up with game-changing ideas. NAR will fully fund the winning idea(s). The page for the program on NAR’s site describes it this way:
REALTOR® associations are invited to submit big, bold ideas that will change the course of how REALTOR® associations work. Provide a brief description of your radical — but implementable — idea for evaluation by our panel of experts introduced at the Leadership Summit before the competition closes Oct. 1.
NAR invites ideas regarding a wide variety of association activities (including committees, education, and planning); but I’m interested in the fact that it includes “IT/MLS/Web.” A panel of industry experts will select the winner(s). They include Gregg Larson of Clareity Consulting and John Tucillo of JTA LLC. NAR will announce winners at annual convention in San Diego in November.
If your association is working on a proposal related to “IT/MLS/Web”, let us know if you want to bounce ideas off someone. We’d listen to your ideas, treat them confidentially, and give you feedback and suggestions. Our compensation will be sharing your ideas and enthusiasm (and if you win, you can thank us during your acceptance speech!).
So many great patterns to choose from! I would love to use the large Japanese Hyeanrgda as a feature wall, probably behind my bed. It would make the room look serene yet give it a strong feature.
Medboragre X: Förresten menade jag inte att din frågeställning var löjlig, utan ditt avsiktliga missförstånd av mina kommentarer och därmed ditt sätt att resonera.